DMK’s concept is to work WITH the skin rather than merely acting on it. Follows the approach: remove, rebuild, protect, and maintain. With enzyme therapy, we are removing toxins/waste through the lymphatic system, exfoliating and ridding of dead skin cells while restoring the skin to optimal function.
This treatment is appropriate for anyone struggling with any condition including acne, aging, scarring, sun damage, and more.
Includes Enzyme #1 and one exfoliator. Enzyme #1 contains the amino acids proline, glycine, and lysine to stimulate fibroblast cell activity which produces collagen and enhances optimal skin function.
*Must have done LEVEL I first*
This includes 3 layers (Enzyme #1, #2, and #3) along with any exfoliator needed. This has all the benefits of Levels I & II but focuses more on contracting and toning facial muscles, tightening and strengthening weakened, sagging skin, and capillaries. Depending on your skin, it will be applied either for tissue strengthening or muscle toning.
All levels can be combined with Dermaplaning, and/or LED Therapy.
Plasmatic = Plasma + Blood
Enzyme treatments are TRUE oxygen therapy and dilate peripheral capillaries. They increase oxygen through the circulatory system so that the body readily accepts and utilizes it.
(Lasts only for about 30-60 min post-treatment)