2022 Skincare Trends: What Could Stay, What Should Go

Every year we see trends come and go, some new and some old that make a comeback (I see you 90s brows). Perhaps you’ve even tried a trend… some that have helped and some you may not be so proud of, but you live and learn right? With skincare specifically, following trends can be tricky, because ultimately what you do for your skin should be completely dependent on YOU and your NEEDS. 

It’s easy to be consumed by the endless scroll of Tik Tok and other social media platforms. Seeing these new fads, products, and “perfect” skin routines work for hundreds of thousands of others can leave you feeling inspired to try something new or give you FOMO on something popular. On the other hand, there will be tips and tricks that emerge that become “trendy” and are actually beneficial to you. Ultimately though, it all goes back to the individuality of your own skin. 

Let’s break down trends we’ve seen this past year including ones you should leave behind and others that can stay.  

1. Skin Cycling: Can STAY

The way Skin Cycling works is that you strategically cycle through and alternate your products during your nighttime routine to yield a balanced regimen. By dedicating each day to a specific product, you are optimizing your skin barrier and minimizing your risk of irritation. It is a 4 Night Cycle including exfoliation, retinoid, and recovery (moisturizing). This method was inspired by dermatologist Whitney Bowe in her practice and became a viral Tik Tok trend amassing over 3.5 billion views. Dr. Bowe’s Skin Cycling encourages you to be more deliberate about your routine, the products you're using, and how they can complement each other. The idea is to be intentional with your routine and take breaks on products you don’t need every day. It’s the key to a healthy and strong skin barrier. 


2. Celebrity Skin Care Lines: Can GO

Is it me or is EVERYONE hopping on the skincare bandwagon? From the likes of Rihanna, JLo, Kylie Jenner, and Kim Kardashian, to Hailey Beiber and Travis Barker….. & that’s not even scratching the surface. It’s a tough judgment call because often these endeavors are about marketing the celebrity in a different way vs having a line that is providing a product that is different and valuable to its consumers. Personally, it feels as though there is often a lack of authenticity, transparency, and market knowledge which makes it a difficult trend to get on board with. While it’s certainly trendy to have a skincare line these days, and you may simply want to support your fav, I encourage you to keep a look out for ingredients or run it by your esthetician before using certain products to ensure it’s going to be beneficial for you. 

3. Slugging: Can GO

Slugging is not necessarily a new concept but recently became trendy. It involves coating your skin with petroleum-based products (such as Vaseline) to lock in moisture. The issue with this trend is that while it can be beneficial for those with skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or very dry skin in general, those with acne-prone skin should avoid it as it can lead to breakouts and bacterial overgrowth. While there is an appeal to slugging, if not done properly, the cons outweigh the pros, which is why we would recommend instead using oils or heavier moisturizers with occlusives and ingredients like hyaluronic acid, squalene, and glycerin to name a few. 

4. Glass Skin: Can Stay ✅ (with adjustments) 

Glass Skin emerged as a trend in k-beauty skincare. The idea is to have skin so reflective and glossy (not oily) that it resembles glass. To achieve the dewy, wet look, your routine would involve layering multiple occlusive products that in turn would increase water levels allowing it to look as smooth as glass. The issue with this trend is that unfortunately having “glass skin” is unrealistic and neglects those with visible texture and pores, which are completely normal skin features. Aiming for hydrated skin is key, and taking part in this trend will definitely accomplish that goal. However keep in mind that aiming for “flawless skin” is not beneficial for your skincare journey, but having healthy skin that YOU feel good in, is. 

Remember with skincare trends, you will come across many. Stick to what works for you! As we say goodbye to 2022, let’s say adios to trends, people, ideas, and anything that no longer serves us. Invite into the new year happiness, and healthy glowing skin, because no one glows quite as you do. ✨

Mabel Lopez