New Year, New Skincare Goals

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to get started or jump back into your skincare goals. If you're like me though, January is more about organizing myself, my routines, and feeling centered & grounded post the holiday season. I use this time to plan out my upcoming goals for the year to get the ball rolling once February hits.

The truth is there is no "right time" to get started on your goals, the only thing that matters is your work toward making a happier and healthier you. If part of that includes're in the right place.

Let's get into some goals focused on your skin that you can use at the beginning of the year or whenever you're ready for a reset! 👇

  1. Consistency is the name of the game. If you want to stop reading here, take at least this tidbit with you. Lack of consistency = lack of RESULTS. Starting small and with a simple routine is always best so you can work on your goal without feeling too overwhelmed.

  2. Protect your skin. One of the best ways to keep your skin barrier healthy is by protecting it. How do we do that? You guessed it... SUNSCREEN! That's number one but it's definitely not the only way. You may be tempted to exfoliate every day but that can prove to be harsh on your skin, so be sure to limit exfoliation to keep your skin healthy. Antioxidant serums that fight against environmental stressors are also a great way to protect your skin with long-term benefits. They promote skin repair and regeneration and help minimize redness, sensitivity, and irritation. What's not to love?!

  3. Invest in your skin. If you want to take your skin goals seriously, it's best to visit a licensed professional. Receiving proper and individualized guidance and NOT playing the guessing game, ultimately saves you time and money in the long run while holding you accountable. Win-win. Regular facial treatments keep you proactive toward any skin concerns you may have. The work you do to care for your skin at home optimizes what is done in the treatment room. The foundation for having healthy skin starts with investing in yourself and visiting a skin professional.

We hope that these three goals serve as a starting place when thinking about your skincare reset. It can feel overwhelming having to keep track of what to do or not do & if you're feeling that way, remember the EA team is here to help you. Book a consultation with us today so we can support you in achieving your skincare goals.

Mabel Lopez