Is my skin dry or dehydrated? Or maybe both?

Flakiness, cracking, papery texture... sound familiar? It could be that you have a dry skin type, or it may just be dehydrated. Because of their overlapping symptoms, you might be thinking, is there even a difference between the two? The answer is YES. Let's get into it!

Dry skin is a skin type with its own unique set of characteristics. If you suffer from dry skin, you are lipid dry, meaning your skin lacks oil or sebum production. Dry skin typically feels rough, flaky, and can crack and even itch. Pores are very small making it hard also for products to penetrate into the skin. While having dry skin is genetically predisposed, certain factors can cause dry and irritating skin including colder weather, low humidity, and harsh products.

Dehydrated skin on the other hand refers to a lack of water in the skin. Any skin type can be dehydrated – yes, even oily skin! The symptoms are similar to dry skin which is what can cause confusion. However, factors that bring about dehydrated skin include environmental pollution, free radicals, caffeine and alcohol consumption, certain foods, medications, and even the use of hot water. Dehydrated skin typically feels tight, appears dull, and causes the appearance of fine lines.


Our goal is to have ✨ glowing & radiant ✨ skin so now that we understand the difference between the two, how do we alleviate symptoms?

  1. Stay hydrated!: Drinking water is important for your overall health but also for your skin! This especially helps if your skin is dehydrated. Remember our bodies work from the inside out – what we consume, and our lifestyle choices, all can play a role in the way our skin looks. 

  2. Avoid hot water: This is a tough one for many people, especially in the winter. But even if you're not washing your face in the sink with hot water, taking hot showers is just as damaging and an equal cause for dry and dehydrated skin. Lukewarm water is your friend, take a quick shower & your skin and the environment will thank you. 😉

  3. Check your products: There are creams and serums specifically catered to keep your skin soft and supple. It's especially important to consider during your nighttime routine because this is when your hydration levels deplete the most and when your skin goes through its repair cycles. Keep reading below for ingredients to consider when purchasing your moisturizers. 

  4. Use a humidifier: During colder months, we definitely recommend using a humidifier to help keep your skin balanced and hydrated. Lowering your thermostat can be beneficial as well. The higher the temperature the more moisture is reduced causing symptoms of dry skin.

  5. Monitor your consumption: If you are prone to dehydrated skin, it's important to monitor your consumption of alcohol and caffeine and consider the effects this has on your skin. Both are diuretics meaning they can affect your skin's hydration potentially causing dry patches. 

The products you integrate into your routine are crucial for combatting dry skin. Below is a list of ingredients to consider when purchasing moisturizer and other hydrating elements:

  • Hyaluronic acid can work wonders, but it MUST be used in conjunction with a moisturizer. If not applied properly, it will draw moisture OUT of the skin which is counterproductive.

  • Glycerin is a natural humectant that acts as a binding agent for moisture to help you restore a healthy skin barrier. 

  • Lactic acid is one of the more gentle AHA's that act as an exfoliant to strengthen your skin's moisture leaving you with smooth and supple skin.

  • Oils are nothing to be afraid of however, they don't hydrate the skin on their own. Lightweight oils should be applied either on damp skin or at the end of your routine to lock and seal all your products. 

Now that you are better aware of the difference between dry and dehydrated skin, you can work the combination of lifestyle changes and incorporation of certain ingredients to your advantage to maintain glowing and healthy skin.

Remember, we are here to help YOU achieve your skincare goals. Here are our top-of-the-line products include specialized ingredients to support both dry and/or dehydrated skin:

When purchasing products, remember, quantity doesn't guarantee results. Consistency does. If you need more support with which product might be best for you, leave a comment below or schedule a consultation with us.

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